

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


The mathematics behing gamblind are a collection of probability applications encountered in games of chance and can be included in game theory. From mathematical point of view, the games of chance are experiments generating various types of aleatory events, the probability of which can be calculated by using the properties of probability on a finite space of events. Games of chance are also good examples of combinations, permutations and arragements, which are met at every step of the game. Some examples can be the combinations of a set of cards in your hand to form a pair or a flush, combinations of symbols in a slot machine or the combinations of numbers in the lottery.

Combinatorial calculus is an important part of gambling probability applications. The technical processes of a game stand for experiments that generate aleatory events.

Monday, 4 November 2013

The MATH behind MUSIC

I want to start this post with a theory on how Math helps create music, helps it the create pitches, frequencies or interlavs, all according to a mathematical plan, and then expose another theory which would oppose the first theory in order to create a debate for us to continue in the comments.
Please feel free to comment about it and share your opinion.

Mathematics has been used for centuries to describe, analyze and create music. There are two main observations to be made about how Math structures music. The first fact is that pitches and sounds could be described as combinations of frequencies, which are related to the physical properties of an instrument (An example of this is the lenght of a vibrating string in a gitar or a piano).
The second main observation is that music consists (mainly) on secuences or patterns of sounds or melodies, and the musician can give a shape to this secuences to make a song.

To better explain this concept, we can look at the octaves in music. The definition of octane could be explained as the interval between a tone that is eight diatonic degrees above or below another tone or as the interval between any two frequencies   having a ratio of 2 to 1.
No musical notes fit together better than those which are one octave apart, for instance, pairs of notes like middle C and high C. Mathematically, the frequency of the higher note in the pair is exactly double that of the lower note. Since octaves of any note in music are denoted by the same letter, it would show for example that the frecuencies 110, 220, 330, and 440 are all A´s in a piano keyboard.
Often in a symphony, one instrument would play a note one octave above that of another instrument, creating a melody together
After the octave, the most natural combination of notes occurs when the frecuencies are in a ratio of 3:2, in which case the notes are said to be a fifth apart.

The keyboard of the piano, showing us the structure of the octanes.

Math also can explain the pitch of a note, why does it produce a high sound instead of a low sound, which is due to the vibration of the chord. We can predict mathematically the sound that we will produce by making the chord X  long and Y tense. (Being X and Y values for each component).

Video with a representation of the frecuency and pitch on a guitar chord.

So after all, Math do helps with the description and structure of music and many other things that help  the melody, such as the Timbre, the Harmonics, the Amplitude or the Sine Waves, so we can all agree that apart from creating the tones and melody Math helps humongously in the creation of music.

Here I have some links to internet webs that go deeper into this theory:

Math behind Music.
More MbM.
Even More MbM.

But perhaps mathematics and music are not as closely related as we think. The clich´e ‘math and music go together’ is memorable for its seeming contradiction: how could a field that appears (to many people) "cold", "heartless", and abstract apply to something as enjoyable, emotional, and accessible as music? Recently, cognitive psychologist Daniel Levitin argued that musical talent is not inherently linked to mathematical ability. He studied people with Williams syndrome who are often proficient musicians, yet incapable of doing mathematics (they typically have the intellectual ability of a young child). Levitin’s research is intriguing because the idea that mathematics and music are intimately connected has been widely accepted for centuries. Music, along with astronomy, was one of the first subjects to which mathematics was applied. The Pythagoreans’ discovery that vibrating strings whose lengths form simple ratios produce pleasing harmonies as a compelling demonstration of the ubiquity of mathematics. The core mathematics curriculum in medieval universities included music. Musical notation, is inherently geometrical.

But how can a musician with no understanding of math be able to create a melody just by learning the basics of music language? Could it be because Music is a mathematical language on its own or could it be that they are not as related as we thought they are?

It may sound unreasonable after reading so many facts in favor of music being connected to mathematics, but at the same time, we have to ask ourselves whether we think that our favourite melody/song is just a secuence of frecuencies, if it is in fact a masterpiece worth listening a million times or if it is both.

For those with time :D.                  Math, Music and Mind

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Double Integration.


Let’s start the blog with the definition of a Double integration and some examples.

An Integral is defined as the sum of all the infinitely small diferentials of the surface/area... or as the area of the region in the xy-plane bounded by the function F and the x-axis. It may also be referred as the "Antiderivative" due to the fact that is the opposite of a Derivate.
In the case of the double integral, the double integral of a positive function of two variables (x and y; Ro and Theta) represents the volume of the region between the surface defined by the function (on the three dimensional Cartesian plane where z = f(xy) and the plane which contains its domain. 
The result of a double Integral is obtained in a similar way of the Definite Integral, but following some steps. First you have to decide which of your two variables is going to be the Main Variable, and which is going to be the Auxiliary Variable. Once you have done this, you have to integrate first the Auxiliary variable, treating the other variable as a constant, and then, once you have applied the values to the integrated function, you integrate a second time with the Main variable and apply its values.

Lets see an example so we can see it more visually.
Function F(x,y)= xy^2
In a double integral, the outer limits must be constant, but the inner limits can depend on the outer variable. This means, we must put y (the Auxiliary variable) as the inner integration variable, as shown in the following image:
There are many ways to solve a Double Integral, depending on which Geometrical Figure we are dealing with and in with plane (Cartesian, Polar or Bipolar) this figure is, but we will always solve this integrals using this same method, but changing the variables for each coordinate change.
Hope you have enjoyed this post and Hope to receive some feedback on what I can improve.
Here I will leave you some links so you can learn more about Double Integration.

(Best of all Youtube Videos even though is on moodle)


Blog Presentation.

Welcome to my Blog.

This Blog has been created by Miguel Cervero Fernandez as an integrated proyect for the 1st year of Mechanical Engineer Degree taught at the Polytechnic School of the "Universidad Europea de Madrid". Academic Year 2013-2014.

My name is Miguel Cervero, I am a first year student of the course Mechanical Engineer in the Polythecnic School of the "Universidad Europea de Madrid".
This is a class project in which we will discuss many matters related to Calculus and Algebra . The main objective of this blog is to help students learn about the practical uses of Calculus and Algebra in their first year of Mechanical Engineer.
I have the intention to post different exercises and articles to be able to fully understand how Math is related to the world.
I hope that when i finish this blog at the end of the year we will all have learned a little bit more about Calculus, Algebra and Blogger :D.

As a first piece of information here you have a link to a great internet mathematical tool, the Cientific Calculator: Wolfram-Alfa.